Project Information / 项目信息

Uncle Di


We used concise illustrations to show his unique character. “Doing not use eyes to express attitude” is a huge performance challenge. We have created a special “π” and “person” symbols as recognition features to enhance visual recognition. At the same time, we hope that this image is “natural”, “lazy”, and “individual”, which can be integrated into the current popular life and be flexible in future presentations. So we used the simplest way to present this character. 

UNCLE DI  是一直极具个性的猫。我们采用了简洁的插图来呈现他独特的性格。“不用眼神来表达神态”是表现上的巨大的挑战,我们创作了一个特别的“π”和“人”的符号来作为识别的特征来强化视觉的辨识度。所以我们采用了最为简单的方式来呈现这个角色。